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Legal Notice


Owner :
      Website Owner: Arnaud Behzadi
      Headquarters : 1, Rue des Acacias – 75017 PARIS

Site presentation :

       In accordance with the dispositions of the articles 6-III and 19 of the Law number 2004-575 from the 21st June 2004 for the Confiance dans l'économie numérique (Faith in digital economy) also known as "L.C.E.N.", we provide the website: users with the following information:

Informations légales :

      Name of the firm : Arnaud Behzadi Architectures
      Address : 1, Rue des Acacias – 75017 PARIS
      email :
      The person responsible for publication is: Arnaud Behzadi (
      The person responsible for the publication is a moral person
      The host website is : WIX


The aim of the website is to provide information about the activity of the firm.

The site's owner strives to provide on information that is as precise as possible. However, he cannot be held responsible for forgettings, inexact information, and lackings in the updating, whether these are of his making or that of third parties providing the owner with this information. 

All the information proposed on are given for information purposes only, are non exhaustive, and are prone to change. They are given regardless of  modifications happening after the website launch.


The owner of the website is the owner of the intellectual property rights or has the rights of usage on all accessible elements of the site, for instance on the text, images, graphics, aesthetics, logos, sounds, softwares,... 

All reproduction, representation, modification, publication, total or partial  adaptation of the elements on the website, whatever the means used, if strictly forbidden, except in the case of prior authorisation with the email :

All unauthorised exploitation of the website or the elements that it contains will be considered as counterfeit and pursued according to the dispositions of the articles L.335-2 and folowing of the Code de Propriété Intellectuelle (Code of Intellectual Property).


The website contains a certain amount of hyperlkinks towards other sites (partners, information,...) put into place with the authorisation of the website's owner. However, the owner does not have the possibility of verifying the content of the websites thus visited, and therefore declines all responsibility regarding the potential risks of illicit content. The user is informaed that during their visits to the website, one or many cookies are susceptible to install automatically on their computer. A cookie is a small file, that does not permit the user's identification,  yet that records information relative to the browing of a computer on a website. The data obtained in this way aim to facilitate ulterior browsing on the website, and also aim at allowing diverse means of frequentation.

The configuration of the browsing software allows to inform of cookie presence and potentially decline the way described at the following address:

The refusal of cookies can bring the impossibility to access certain services. The user can however configure their computer.


User: internaut connecting themselves using the site :

In France, personal data are protected by the law n° 78-87 of the 6 January 1978, the law n° 2004-801 of the 6 August 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the "Code pénal" (French Penal Code) and the European Directive of the 24th October 1995.

On the website,  the owner of the site only collects pertsonal infromation relative to the user for the purposes of services provided by The user provides this inofrmation with full knowledge of the facts, especially when they proceed themselves to their entry. The obligation or not to supply this information is then pointed out to the user of the website

In compliance with the disposition of the articles 38 et seq. of the law 78-17 of the 6th January 1978 relative to computing, to the files and to freedoms, all users possess the right to access, rectify, suppress, and oppose personal data concerning them. In order to exerce this right, address your request by email to, along with a singed copy of your Identity Card, specifying the adress at which the answer must be sent. 

No personal information of the user visiting is published unbeknown to them, nor is it exchanged, transferred, given or sold to a third party. Only the hypothesis of the purchase of the website and its rights to the owner of the website would allow the transmission of said information to the potential buyer, who would in turn be bound to the same obligation in regrds to the conservation and modification of data concerning the user of the webiste 

The database is protected by the dispositions of the law of the 1st July 1998, transposing the directie of the 1st March 1996, relative to the legal protection of databases.

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